The New Statesman turns a 100 years old today. In celebration, we’ve published our bigger-ever issue with contributions from the likes of Tony Blair, Will Self, A S Byatt, Stewart Lee, Craig Brown, Natasha Walter, Robert Skidelsky, Jon Cruddas, Natasha Walter and many, many more – full details of the issue and how to get hold of it here.
Many distinguished people have written for the magazine over the years, some of whom you can find in our Sergeant Pepper montage below, put together by Julien Pacaud. Click to zoom in larger. If you can’t quite identify everyone, there’s an index below.
1 Ai Weiwei
2 Ken Livingstone
3 Norman Mackenzie
4 Rebecca West
5 William Trevor
6 John Betjeman
7 Duncan Campbell
8 Vince Cable
9 Robert Skidelsky
10 Graham Greene
11 Hunter Davies
12 John Gray
13 H G Wells
14 Alastair Campbell
15 Angela Carter
16 Philip Larkin
17 Karl Miller
18 Clifford Sharp
19 John Berger
20 D H Lawrence
21 Darcus Howe
22 David Miliband
23 Jason Cowley
24 Peter Kellner
25 Jemima Khan
26 Edward Thomas
27 David Blanchflower
28 Nick Cohen
29 Malcolm Muggeridge
30 Julian Barnes
31 Dennis Potter
32 Elizabeth Bowen
33 John Pilger
34 Peter Wilby
35 W B Yeats
36 Richard Dawkins
37 V S Pritchett
38 Suzanne Moore
39 Barbara Castle
40 Martin Amis
41 Hugh Grant
42 James Fenton
43 Melvyn Bragg
44 Arthur Koestler
45 E M Forster
46 Rowan Williams
47 John Freeman
48 Ed Miliband
49 Eric Hobsbawm
50 Auberon Waugh
51 Mehdi Hasan
52 Leonard Woolf
53 Doris Lessing
54 V S Naipaul
55 Claire Tomalin
56 Paul Johnson
57 Terry Eagleton
58 Anthony Howard
59 A S Byatt
60 Christopher Hitchens
61 C P Snow
62 Bertrand Russell
63 Slavoj Žižek
64 Sidney Webb
65 John Maynard Keynes
66 T S Eliot
67 Will Self
68 Beatrice Webb
69 Laurie Penny
70 Kingsley Martin
71 Winston Churchill
72 George Bernard Shaw
73 Anton Chekhov
74 Christabel Pankhurst
75 Paul Robeson
76 Virginia Woolf
77 Edith Sitwell
78 Naomi Mitchison
79 J B Priestley
80 Joseph Stalin
81 Mao Zedong
82 George Orwell
83 Margaret Thatcher
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