It’s hard to write about Cardinal O’Brien without writing about Cardinal O’Brien, but I feel I have to try.
I can’t help reaching the conclusion that this kind of confected argument, this kind of outcry, this kind of reaction, serves no-one very well. Does it serve O’Brien well? Not really. Does it serve those who attack him well? Not entirely either, and some reactions have skirted close to being as intolerant as the person they’re attacking for seeing a “tyranny of tolerance”. Who, then, does it serve? Those who host the discussions, I suppose. People like me, who write articles about it. But not many others.
It’s difficult to avoid thinking that there is plenty of delight to be had in some quarters about comments like O’Brien’s, which are akin to Sheriff Bart saying “Hey, where the white women at?” to the KKK dudes in Blazing Saddles. I can’t help thinking that this might just be a tedious bit of provocation, signifying nothing at all, designed to create heat and light (mainly heat), a few clicks on a few websites and a few circular custard pie fights in comments sections underneath blogposts.
Oh, but it keeps happening. “Gay marriage, wurgh!” yells the newspaper website. “Ooh, bad views, wurgh!” yell the liberals, and all pile on. And so it perpetuates a self-serving tedious circular debate of nothingness in which no-one wins, no-one says anything remotely insightful and no-one learns anything, other than that other people can be quite annoying when they disagree with you — and I think we all kind of knew that anyway.
I’m not saying Cardinal O’Brien, god bless him, is a troll. As far as I’m aware, he isn’t. I assume he believes everything he says, and really believes that it’s right. Which he’s entirely entitled to do — and his views probably represent the views of a lot of morons, bigots, idiots and fools up and down the country. I don’t imagine he speaks for all Roman Catholics, believers or otherwise. I’m sure there is nothing to doubt his integrity; I wonder if he’s just being used as bait.
To me, though, this seems to be the way we often tend to conduct our intellectual debate in this country. We find a bit of an outlier who has some kind of authority, flatter them that they’re more significant than they really are, and tease them into saying exactly the thing that will create the most shouty polarised arguments possible. This seems to happen more often than is healthy for a genuinely fruitful debate to take place.
Have you seen that programme that stains Sunday morning television like a suspicious map-like mark on a previously pristine bedsheet? The Big Questions, it’s called. I can’t work out if it’s a mickey take of Mitchell and Webb’s Big Talk or just someone’s idea of how adults really should discuss things. If it’s the former, it’s quite good, although rather unsubtle; if it’s the latter, it’s a crime against brains. I rather fear that might be what it is, though.
I THINK THIS, says person A. WELL YOU’RE WRONG, booms person B. And then they annoy each other for five minutes while Nicky Campbell referees. It’s deeply unsatisfying if you’ve tuned in expecting anything other than a fight, and I end up turning over. There’s no room for people to find common ground or work towards any compromise. It’s Team A v Team B. I wonder if our deliberately adversarial parliamentary system, exemplified by the boorish lowing of backbenchers at Prime Minister’s Questions, has something to do with this; if this is the example you get from the people at the very top, the cream of the country’s intelligentsia, why shouldn’t everyone else do the same?
But this is the way these things seem to go. If you can’t talk in sufficiently argumentative, snappy soundbites, you don’t get invited onto television and radio to talk about things; dare to try and speak in nuance, or admit you don’t know the answer to questions, and you’ll be quietly dropped. Ever wondered why people come out with daft answers on gameshows? They’re chosen to be the ones who’ll wildly guess at anything, rather than say they don’t know. And it’s relatively similar with current affairs, I’m afraid.
Back to O’Brien for a moment. I probably disagree with what he has to say. So what? I’m bound to. That’s what it’s all about. Who wants to listen to some relatively enlightened religious figure (of which there are many) taking the modern world on board, when you can demonise some dozy old dinosaur instead, and imagine all godsquad types are the same? I think it’s the selection of these people in the first place that’s the key. We get the voices we deserve. If we wanted nuance, compromise or ambivalence, we’d probably get it. But that wouldn’t make what’s considered ‘good TV’ or ‘good radio’, or, in this world, ‘good copy’.
So, on with the binary world. It’s the one we’ve chosen, and it’s the one we’re stuck with.