Poor old Secretary of State for Business, Innovation and Skills and free earplug aficionado Sajid Javid. He is now facing the second leg of a 48-hour round trip, as he has just boarded a plane back to the UK almost as soon as he touched down in Australia.
The Conservative MP for Bromsgrove and overhead luggage compartments has had to cancel his three-day work trip Down Under to fly back to Britain. Labour has put pressure on him to provide support for the steel industry in the UK, in light of the news that Tata Steel will be selling its Port Talbot plant. He is expected to head straight to Port Talbot on his return.
Your mole feels for the steelworkers whose jobs are hanging in the balance. It really does. But it also spares a thought for Javid, who just must be so, so very bored. He’s watched the in-flight entertainment. Even all The Big Bang Theory reruns. His mouth is still really dry from too many of those little packets of pretzels. No amount of tomato juice with a twist of worcestershire helps. He thought he’d done the adequate number of DVT avoidance foot exercises. Now he has to do more of them. Walking up and down the aisle like a fool. He probably didn’t even have time to charge his iPad, so High Life it is. And there definitely isn’t a mini-break must-visit roundup for Port Talbot in there.
Anyway, the internet seems to feel sorry for him too. Kind of.
Exclusive footage of Sajid Javid’s trip to Australia pic.twitter.com/GpIWWz5cDw
— Ahir Shah (@AhirShah) March 30, 2016
Sajid Javid watched all the good films on his first flight so now he’s stuck with Horrrible Bosses 2 and Transendence for the return journey
— Josh Hollis (@joshhollis) March 30, 2016
Sajid Javid vowed he’d never again pay £6 for a can of pringles and a lemonade, but here he is reluctantly pushing the ‘call steward’ button
— Josh Hollis (@joshhollis) March 30, 2016
Would watch a short sitcom of Sajid Javid spending 21 hours on a plane to Australia, spending basically no time there & having to fly back.
— Marie Le Conte (@youngvulgarian) March 30, 2016
Will Sajid Javid be double jetlagged or not jetlagged at all because the two flights cancel each other out?
— Rob Davies (@ByRobDavies) March 30, 2016
Is there any way someone could elaborately troll Javid by telling him that after the steel debate he has to fly straight back to Australia?
— Marie Le Conte (@youngvulgarian) March 30, 2016
— Marie Le Conte (@youngvulgarian) March 30, 2016
i know sajid javid wanted to experience australian culture but this boomerang plane is ridiculous!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
— thom (@thwphipps) March 30, 2016