Remember that place? Well, it had a stonking turnout, and a huge Remain return: 95.9 per cent voted to stay in the European Union, making it the most Remain-y area to vote.
Lambeth came out as 78.6 per cent for remain; making it a distant but undeniable second to Gibraltar, on a turnout of 67.3 per cent.
With 75.6 per cent voting for Leave, on a 77.2 per cent turnout, Boston had the highest “Leave” margin in these isles.
South Holland
South Holland had a turnout of 75.3 per cent, of whom 73.6 per cent voted for leave. That makes it the second-most Leave-leaning constituency; but the winner of most ironic constituency name.
The big surprises
We knew it was going to be Leave – but we didn’t know it was going to be this. Living up to its name, Sunderland was the first big indicator of the night with a 61.3 per cent result for Leave, on a 64.8 per cent turnout.
Sheffield wasn’t expected to go for Leave, and even though it did so narrowly – 51 per cent to 49 per cent – it was still a surprise.
Another constituency where Leave narrowly pipped it, against expectations. 50.4 per cent to 49.6 per cent, Birmingham had a turnout of 63.7 per cent.
Windsor and Maidenhead
Or, to use its full name, the Royal Borough of Windsor and Maidenhead (personally, I think it should be renamed “Lower Slough”) voted for Remain: 53.9 per cent, too. With a turnout of 79.7 per cent, it was one of the Remain surprises of the night.