Lots of lefties and Labour Party supporters tell me that they plan to vote against the Alternative Vote (AV) in order to give Nick Clegg a “bloody nose” on 5 May. In the words of “Phil”, a commenter on the Staggers blog:
“Would a no on AV make Nick Clegg p***ed off?”
Answer: Yes.
So I’ll be voting to wipe that smile off his smug face
Sorry to break it to you, chaps, but AV isn’t all about Nick Clegg. If we’re going to get all schoolgroundish about it, I’ll be voting for AV – not just because our existing first-past-the-post system is undemocratic, unfair, biased and broken – but because I’d rather wipe the smile of these people’s faces [below]. Wouldn’t you?
David Cameron
Rupert Murdoch
George Osborne
Nick Griffin
David Blunkett
John Reid
Andrew Roberts
Richard Desmond
(All pictures Getty Images)