To the Royal Hospital Gardens in Chelsea last night for the dinner to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the Spectator’s parliamentarian of the year awards (though there was some dispute over whether it was in fact the 25th anniversary; former Spectator editor Charles Moore claimed it was not). The venue was a cavernous, dimly-lit marquee, with the obligatory soft rock music accompanying the announcement of each winner and illuminated stars affixed to the ceiling – it had the feel less of a grand country house party than the wedding of a self-made Essex car dealer’s favourite daughter but with the furniture hired from Ikea. “This tent is so lavish,” said Nick Clegg, winner of politician of the year, “that it deserves Vince Cable’s mansion tax.” Meanwhile, the rain beat down on the canvas roof.
My favourite line of what was a splendid evening was from Danny Alexander. He and George Osborne received the award for “odd couple”; Alexander was wearing his Highland tartan, with a tastefully cut kilt. With Osborne at his side, he began thus: “It’s obvious who’s wearing the trousers in this relationship.” An old joke, but nicely appropriate on this occasion. To which Osborne quipped, in reference to the topsy-turvy world of coalition politics, that “he’s rolling back the state and I’m defending the Euro!” These two have the potential to become Britain’s most promising comedy double act.
David Cameron, cautiously wearing a lounge suit rather than the requested black tie, was guest of honour and gave out the awards. He spoke with his usual fluency, teasing his new-found love Nick Clegg over his considerable personal wealth – and the many mansions in the family. Cameron referred to himself as a “middle-class boy from Berkshire”.
Although he was suffering from flu, Spectator editor Fraser Nelson was on hand to introduce each of the award-winners – as Andrew Neil reminded us in his opening address “these are parliamentary not political awards” — and the list of winners was spread across the parties, with even a gong for Caroline Lucas.
Peter Hoskin has all the details over at the Coffee House.