Jason Kottke has flagged up this hilarious graphic mapping American prejudices about Europe, originally designed by Yanko Tsvetkov. Click here to see a larger version of the map, but in case you can’t see in the version reproduced above, the UK is “Mummy”, while Ireland is just “St Patrick”. France, Spain and Portugal, meanwhile, are “smelly people”, “Mexico”, and “Brazil” respectively. The Netherlands and Belgium are just “Sodom” and “chocolate”.
But perhaps the best gag is on the bottom right, where a certain country is labelled “Thanksgiving meal”…
You may also enjoy some of Yanko’s other stereotype maps. Highlights include “Europe According to France”, where the UK is down as “slayers of virgins”; “Europe According to Italy”, where France is the “Bruni Empire”; and “Europe According to Britain”, where the whole of the rest of Europe is just “the evil federated empire of Europe”.