1. How the Chancellor made the right decision about the timing of austerity (Not the Treasury View)
Jonathan Portes looks back in time to understand the relationship between austerity and growth.
2. Greece, France and the future of the euro (BBC News)
The more that investors and policymakers think about the results in Greece and France, the more worried they are – for good reason, writes Stephanie Flanders.
3. Chart of the day: Let’s go buy a house! (Reuters)
Felix Salmon shows how Americans can now take advantage of long-term fixed financing to own a home for a monthly payment less than the cost of renting.
4. ‘Understood properly, the Death Star is not worth it.’ (Washington Post | Wonkblog)
Gregory Koger addresses the most important policy question of the millennium: Should we build a Death Star?
5. Germany’s reaction to the newly elected French President (Bruegel)
Philine Schuseil rounds up the German reaction to the election of Hollande.