1. A European macro-question for Paul Krugman (Kantoos Economics)
Kantoos suggests that “the optimal policy – taking ECB policy as given – is to add monetary and fiscal stimulus to the periphery (only), as far as that’s possible, such that the period of adjustment is less painful, and limit the overheating of the German economy”.
2. Why Big Macs Are Cheap In Argentina (Slate | Moneybox)
He’s addressed it a couple of times before, but here Matt Yglesias lays out the full history behind the quirk that is Argentine burger prices.
3. Dear Bank of Japan: So you tried the easing thing a gazillion times… (FT alphaville)
David Keohane suggests that maybe Japan might like to consider a currency floor.
4. If Hollande takes victory he will need to win Merkel over too (Independent)
Margareta Pagano writes that Hollande’s first visit as president should be to Berlin to persuade Merkel that austerity alone is not enough.
5. Tax Me, for F@%&’s Sake! (The Daily Beast)
Stephen King scolds the superrich (including himself—and Mitt Romney) for not giving back, and warns of a Kingsian apocalyptic scenario if inequality is not addressed in America.