Paul Krugman is the most influential columnist in the US. That’s according to the website Mediaite, which ranks columnists according to their print circulation and their online presence.
The dominance of the Nobel Laureate and New York Times columnist, as well as the presence of Krugman’s NYT colleague Maureen Dowd (4), Malcolm Gladwell (5) and Arianna Huffington (12) on the list, is likely to reinforce conservative fears of a liberal stranglehold on the media. But the appearance of Michelle Malkin at 2 and Karl Rove at 14 offers some consolation for the right.
Christopher Hitchens (6) is the highest-ranked British columnist on the list, though he became a US citizen in 2007.
Krugman’s success will largely be viewed as a byproduct of the financial crisis but it also reflects his rare ability to twin an engaging prose style with consistent economic judgement. Ian McEwan once remarked of Will Hutton, “he breathes human sense back into economics”. One could say the same of Krugman.