1. The balance of financial terror (Bruegel)
The relationship between Greece and the rest of the euro area are increasingly reminiscent of the Cold War’s balance of terror, writes Jean Pisani-Ferry in a perhaps slightly hyperbolic piece.
2. Tax is always going to be taxing (LabourList)
Imogen Parker writes in defence of wealth taxes.
3. Austerity Defenses (New York Times | Consscience of a Liberal)
Paul Krugman strawmans the strawmen. But is very entertaining.
4. Do consumers want to get rid of the “dangerous myth” of free current accounts? (Market Square)
Nida Broughton examines Andrew Bailey’s comments
5. Austerity Bites, but Fascism Won’t Snarl in Europe (Bloomberg View)
Pawel Swieboda examines the rush to fringe parties caused by austerity in Europe.