Elizabeth Jones, Ukip’s vice chair for Southwark, who stood as an MEP candidate in London, lost it on-air. In a discussion about flat-rate tax on the radio, she absolutely could not handle being interrupted and completely lost it, screaming, “WILL YOU SHUT UP” at the other guest. “I’ve just had really enough; since 2010, I’ve had the left wing shouting and shouting and shouting at me, and I’m not going to tolerate it any more, it ENDS NOW.”
As the presenter tried to calm her down, she ranted: “I will explain myself if you be quiet whilst I explain myself DO NOT INTERRUPT ME.”
Listen to it here, from 13.40:
UKIP rep goes nuts telling people to shut up live on air. and she wants to run the country? by David Allen on Mixcloud
Another excellent moment in what is probably the most exciting political interview this mole has heard all year is Jones’ sarcastic put-down of her adversary, Helen Paterson of the Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition:
Paterson: “Oh my God . . . I’ve never been spoken to so rudely in all my life.”
Jones: “Well GOOD, well aren’t you lucky then, tonight’s a first, and won’t be the last if you’re going to go in for politics.”
When Jones is allowed to explain Ukip’s policies uninterrupted, she then goes into this strange clipped, posh accent. The tension is palpable.
Following the interview, Jones told the Huffington Post:
Any listener to the interview need only carry on for about 2 more minutes and then they will hear Helen of TUSC admit that her brain is so scrambled, that she can no longer speak words coherently and she duly surrended the microphone, this being reflective of her mental state. I had called the interview to order to restore some dignity. I stand by the interview and hope that Helen recovers and wish her well.
The interview was on the Voice of Africa Radio 94FM.