Melting sea ice, sad photographs of polar bears, scientists’ warnings on the Guardian homepage. . . these days, it’s hard to avoid the question of climate change. This mole’s anxiety levels are rising faster than the sea (and that, unfortunately, is saying something).
But there is one place you can go for a bit of respite: the White House website.
Now that Donald Trump is president of the United States, we can all scroll through the online home of the highest office in the land without any niggling worries about that troublesome old man-made existential threat. That’s because the minute that Trump finished his inauguration speech, the White House website’s page about climate change went offline.
Here’s what the page looked like on January 1st:
And here’s what it looks like now that Donald Trump is president:
Now, the only references to climate on the website is Trump’s promise to repeal “burdensome regulations on our energy industry”, such as, er. . . the Climate Action Plan.
This mole tries to avoid dramatics, but really: are we all doomed?