Britain. A unique nation. For where else would you find such hapless political press officers?
Here’s Tory HQ’s latest offering about how special our country is:
“There are no French Rolling Stones, no German Beatles; there is no Italian Bond, no Spanish Rowling, no Dutch David Bowie.”
— CCHQ Press Office (@CCHQPress) October 5, 2015
Inevitably, they’ve attracted a bit of ridicule on Twitter for their nonsensical definition of the UK. A few of the best:
No Belgian Piers Morgan, no Namibian Genesis, no Latino Crufts, no Russian that woman who put a cat in a bin https://t.co/81KcUTBtgw
— Conor Pope (@Conorpope) October 5, 2015
There’s also no French Take That, no German E L James, No Italian Jim Davidson, no Spanish Katie Hopkins… https://t.co/GxVANvjk6N
— Kit Caless (@KitCaless) October 5, 2015
CCHQ on the terraces: How does it feel to be Europe, how does it feel to be small? You got Camus, we’ve got Jimmy Saville, Jimmy Saville…
— Kit Caless (@KitCaless) October 5, 2015
@KitCaless there is no Belgian Andy Pandy…
— Joanna Walsh (@badaude) October 5, 2015
Inspired, your mole had a think about what else we have here that those lousy foreigners don’t. There’s no Japanese Bez, for one thing. And the Vatican is sadly unable to Compare the Meerkat. Not to mention those poor old spotted dick-free Slovenians.