What do you do?
I’m an industrial doctorate student researching recycled carbon fibre.
Where do you live?
Do you vote?
Yes, seemingly every year since I turned 18!
How long have you been a subscriber?
Only since May – a relative newcomer.
What made you start?
I picked up a friend’s copy.
Is the NS bug in the family?
Not yet, but it’s early days!
What pages do you flick to first?
Usually the crossword.
How do you read yours?
Slowly, at breakfast.
What would you like to see more of in the NS?
First-person insights from those who have left politics.
Who are your favourite NS writers?
Hunter Davies, Ailbhe Rea and Stephen Bush.
Who would you put on the cover of the NS?
Lisa Nandy.
With which political figure would you least like to be stuck in a lift?
Alex Salmond.
All-time favourite NS article?
Adrian Wooldridge’s “In defence of meritocracy”.
The New Statesman is…
Filled with sensible, knowledgeable journalists.

This article appears in the 22 Sep 2021 issue of the New Statesman, Great Power Play