We have to end the social housing stigma
Social landlords should be seen as helping build lives, not as simply a safety net.
ByNew Times,
New Thinking.
Navigate the complex landscape of the UK housing market with our comprehensive collection of articles including long-read features and in-depth analysis.
Social landlords should be seen as helping build lives, not as simply a safety net.
ByThe link between poor-quality homes and worklessness might be stronger than the government has bargained for.
ByWhy Labour finds it so difficult to get housebuilding off the ground.
ByBritain’s best housing programme shows the knot of planning laws the Housing Secretary must unravel.
ByAt a New Statesman event, the housing minister addressed the challenges ahead for the Labour government's housebuilding agenda.
ByWhat's driving the rise of renters' unions?
ByLondon Deputy Mayor Tom Copley on his and Sadiq Khan's plans for the capital.
ByThe housing campaigner on living standards, Michael Gove and Labour's 1.5 million homes target.
ByThe Liberal Democrat housing spokesperson on the party's plans for opposition.
ByThis eight-part series reveals the council homes unfit for human habitation – in horrifying detail.
ByThe policy is a drain on council resources and a gift to the private rental market.
ByIt might take ten years and a lot of shouting, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t worth doing.
ByIn a landlord’s market, with intense competition from fellow renters, you’re damned whatever you do.
ByPeople’s inability to afford homes did for the Conservatives and it could do the same for Labour.
ByThe real value of homes in the UK has dropped significantly and a long-term decay in value appears to be…
ByIt's one of the UK’s biggest policy problems, with knock-on effects on everything from productivity to pensions and the demographic…
ByThe cost-of-living crisis hinges on one problem, and Jeremy Hunt’s 99 per cent mortgages can’t disguise that fact.
ByBuyers who take up the offer may well find themselves stuck with higher repayments – and unable to switch to…
ByThe UK press has only one solution for the broken rental market: clickbait.
ByThe Housing Secretary’s new planning framework for England does little to encourage net zero development.