What do you do?
I am a retired London Underground train driver.
Where do you live?
Hornchurch, east London.
Do you vote?
Always, but not always with a warm heart and a song on my lips.
How long have you been a subscriber?
Since 1991.
What made you start?
When Marxism Today folded in 1991 my subscription was mysteriously moved over to the NS and I’ve never looked back.
Is the NS bug in the family?
My wife reads every copy.
How do you read yours?
In the bath, in bed and on the train – the paper copy is infinitely flexible.
Who are your favourite NS writers?
Andrew Marr, Anoosh Chakelian and Ailbhe Rea – and being a historian myself I especially like Richard Evans and Adam Tooze, who always bring a broader perspective to current events.
Who would you put on the cover of the NS?
Karl Marx spanking Vladimir Putin.
With which political figure would you least like to be stuck in a lift?
Any Old Etonian, their alien world is abhorrent to me.
The New Statesman is…
This article appears in the 16 Mar 2022 issue of the New Statesman, Russia’s War Goes Global