After announcing more policy in the last few weeks than any other leader in recent memory (including a ban on exploitative zero-hours contracts, a cap on rent increases, a GP appointment guarantee and an increase in the minimum wage), Ed Miliband plans to spend the final day of campaigning making 10 visits around the country, each one highlighting one of Labour’s 10 pledges from its “cost-of-living contract“. His tour, across five regions, will start in London and end in his constituency of Doncaster North.
He said:
Tomorrow I will be going all round England – north and south, east and west – laying out Labour’s ten pledges from our cost of living contract.
I will be urging people to vote Labour on Thursday because I know Britain can do better than this.
And it is Labour MEPs and Labour councillors who can help deliver.
We have shown in this campaign the difference we can make: on housing, on the NHS, on wages, on immigration, on all of the major issues the country faces.
If I have heard one message most of all in this campaign, it is the depths of discontent about the way the country is run.
The challenges go beyond this government. And people are asking whether any political party can turn it round?
Can anyone rebuild the link between a hard day’s work and ordinary family finances?
That link that used to be the foundation of our country’s prosperity.
That used to guarantee the people of this country a decent life for them and tier families.
My answer is that Labour can and Labour will.
People should vote Labour on Thursday to make Britain better than this.
Vote Labour to make your family better off.
It certainly sounds tiring, but then Miliband is the man who, as climate change secretary, went without sleep for more than 48 hours in order to secure a deal at the Copenhagen summit.
The tour will, however, provide journalists with plenty of chances to trip him up over the cost of staple items and the names of Labour council leaders.