1. One word of advice for new college grads — CASH, (Washington Post)
The “C’’ in CASH stands for credit, writes Michelle Singletary.
2. Oracle suit gives Google a chance not to be evil (Reuters)
An Oracle lawsuit is giving Google a golden opportunity to regain its non-evil image, writes Reynolds Holding.
3. Hollande and Merkel dance around the Greece Lightening (Faisal Islam).
An election rerun in Greece, and lightning striking Francois Hollande’s plane. The omens are not great, writes Faisal Islam.
4. Facebook winning Keynesian beauty contest (Reuters)
Give Facebook the tiara. The social network may be worth more than $100 billion on its debut, writes Jeffrey Goldfarb.
5. An enlightening mistake (Schumpeter)
A rare slip-up by lawyers has helped to shed some rather interesting light on a high-profile legal battle, the details of which some of the largest Wall Street firms have been fighting to keep under wraps, writes Schumpeter.