1. Debt-Ceiling Deja Vu Could Sink Economy (Bloomberg View)
Europe is crumbling. China is slowing. The Federal Reserve is dithering. Yet the biggest threat to the emerging U.S. economic recovery may be Congress, write Betsey Stevenson and Justin Wolfers.
2. Is the Bank of England doing enough? (BBC News)
Stephanie Flanders argues that “both the Bank and the Treasuiry might need to be less pessimistic about the underlying state of the UK economy – and more optimistic – and urgent – in their efforts to help.”
3. The Housing Recovery: A Rethink (Forbes | Modeled Behaviour)
Karl Smith looks at the state of the US housing market.
4. Why Are Two-Class Shareholder Arrangements Proliferating? (Slate | Moneybox)
In the wake of the ongoing Facebook IPOcaplypse, Matt Yglesias looks at why shareholder arrangements like Mark Zuckerberg’s concentration of power are becoming more popular.
5. No taxation without mastication (Financial Times)
Jonathan Ford delivers what will hopefully be the final word on the pasty tax.