1. When will David Miliband bow out of frontline politics? (FT Westminster)
Jim Pickard speculates as to the way in which David Miliband will announce his departure from front-line politics.
2. Ed’s detoxification of Blair-Brown authoritarianism welcome news (Left Foot Forward)
Michael Harris scrutinises Ed Miliband’s stance on liberty.
3. Ed Miliband is atheist – so what? (Though Cowards Flinch)
Carl Packman wonders what the connection between religion and politics has to do with anything.
4. NHS plans put Tories in Labour’s line of fire (Guardian)
Randeep Ramesh examines Andy Burnham’s speech to conference on health.
5. More women joining Labour (Next Left)
Next Left reports on a Fabian fringe event which highlighted the rise in female members in the Labour party.