1. Economic update – May 2012: Osborne’s austerity strangles Britain (Left Foot Forward)
Tony Dolphin presents his comprehensive monthly assessment of the economic situation.
2. An equality multiplier? (Stumbling and Mumbling)
Chris Dillow looks at the possibility that equality breeds equality, and asks what this means for social policy.
3. Is Germany bluffing on Greece? (Bruegel)
Philine Schuseil rounds up the German-language press response to the possibility of Grexit.
4. How Keynes would solve the eurozone crisis (Financial Times)
Marcus Miller and Robert Skidelsky write that for a country in such desperate straits as Greece, orderly exit from the euro to regain competitiveness looks to be the best option.
5. German voters must break the Merkel mindset that got them into this (Guardian)
Greece’s euro membership was as much the German elite’s fault as anyone’s. Can it find the leadership to resolve the crisis, asks Robin Wells