1. Why our pension schemes and arrangements do not work (Tax Research UK)
Richard Murphy suggests that we are thinking of pensions the wrong way, and that while we cling to our faulty conception, they will never be financially viable.
2. Britain can do without a Pol Pot of banking (The Telegraph)
Jeremy Warner argues against Vince Cable’s desire for a British Investment Bank, claiming that it is just a chance to give the government yet more power over spending.
3. The Eurozone youth of today (FT alphaville)
Lisa Pollack looks at why the Eurozone has such a staggering level of youth unemployment.
4. How to love a Greek default (BBC)
Robert Peston explains why the news from Greece this morning is probably the best we could have hoped for.
5. Inequality & the crisis (Stumbling and mumbling)
Was inequality to blame for the financial crisis? asks Chris Dillow