Liz Kendall, the underdog in the Labour leadership race, had a good day after hunky historian Tristram Hunt endorsed her campaign and she launched a new website, www.lizforleader.com.
But Kendall’s aides – who have sadly ignored your mole’s suggestion that they refer to themselves as the Mint Cakes – neglected to register the alternate domains, such as www.lizforleader.org, www.lizforleader.net and so on. An eagle-eyed observer has hopped in to to give us all a lesson in web security. First they simply re-directed it to the website of her main rival, Andy Burnham.
Then things got a bit stranger. First it redirected viewers to Rick Astley’s “Never Gonna Give You Up”.
Then to political journalist/irreverent Twitter scribe/sexy Scot (our office is divided) Jamie Ross’ Buzzfeed page:
Then this, about which we have no idea:
And this, which, again, we have no idea what the point of it is:
Then this clip of Alan Partridge playing air bass (a comment on Steve Coogan’s recent Labour endorsement?):
Others include a post about Kendall’s lunch by Guido Fawkes, a donation page for Andy Burnham’s campaign, and, ahem, something else not safe for moling.
So, kids, let that be a lesson to you. Register all your domains.