Ahh. Remember the good old days of Ed Miliband? When everything he announced was some terrifying Communist plot concocted by “Red Ed” to incite class war? Things were so different back then, eh?
Well, Theresa May certainly remembers it – she keeps nicking Ed’s policies. And the Daily Mail has to go along with it.
When she announced an energy price cap, as Miliband did, she was praised by the newspaper for cracking down on “energy rip-offs”. Back in 2013, announced by the opposition leader, the very same policy led to the very same newspaper running a front page shrieking: “Red Ed revives 70s socialism”.
Daily Mail headline no.1: when Ed Miliband wanted to cap energy price rises
Daily Mail headline no.2: when Theresa May wants to do the same pic.twitter.com/DpoXZ5Fh3m
— Stewart Wood (@StewartWood) April 12, 2017
The latest, when she pledged to punish developers for unused land in a speech about reforming planning rules, has warranted an equally shameless u-turn by the Mail.
Spot the difference:
2018: Theresa May is “tackling housing crisis”
2015: Ed Miliband is a “land-grabber” and “branded ‘Stalinist’”
Hat-tip to shadow education secretary Angela Rayner for spotting this latest piece of rewritten history:
I am always so glad that we have fair and consistent reporting in our media pic.twitter.com/etMfOTS1gz
— Angela Rayner (@AngelaRayner) March 5, 2018