The Nasty Party’s back. It never went away. Poundshop Katy Hopkins and reality TV Tory Nadine Dorries has called former Tory Prime Minister John Major a “traitor” in a tweet. His supposed act of treason? Calling for MPs to have a free vote on Brexit. MPs like…Dorries.
But that didn’t stop her firing off a tweet calling him “traitor Major” – and getting stick for it.
Labour MP for Tottenham David Lammy called it “unacceptable for Members of Parliament and indeed anybody to use the term ‘traitor’ when referring to somebody that they disagree with”:
Nadine I appreciate that we may disagree passionately on many things, but please as a minimum can we at least agree that it is unacceptable for Members of Parliament and indeed anybody to use the term ‘traitor’ when referring to somebody that they disagree with? https://t.co/OJyEEVRzhe
— David Lammy (@DavidLammy) March 1, 2018
Jonathan Lis, the deputy director of the pro-European think tank British Influence, had an even more forthright reaction to Dorries’ comment: “You can trudge through a sewer for many months and still, every now and again, be shocked by the sewage.”
You can trudge through a sewer for many months and still, every now and again, be shocked by the sewage pic.twitter.com/Qf4rjwJ11g
— Jonathan Lis (@jonlis1) March 1, 2018
Well, at least the Tories have turned on each other and away from Jeremy Corbyn for “betraying” Britain…