The Grauniad is living up to and beyond its affectionate nickname today, with a glaring error slap-bang in the middle of its Opinion spread.
Dummy text in the columnist’s name slot was left in, reading “Contributor Namy” in big orange letters where the writer Rafael Behr’s byline should’ve been.
Behr, formerly of this parish, tweeted a generous interpretation of the sub-editor’s worst nightmare this morning, stating, “It’s a Brechtian device to force the reader to examine the artificiality of the writer-reader divide”, and suggesting the piece is by his “exotically-named twin”.
This version by me. Limited edition print run features identical text by my exotically named twin.
— Rafael Behr (@rafaelbehr) October 11, 2017
It’s a Brechtian device to force the reader to examine the artificiality of the writer-reader divide.
— Rafael Behr (@rafaelbehr) October 11, 2017
They could’ve at least have spelt “Name” right.