In 2010, the British National Party received 564,321 votes nationwide; in yesterday’s general election, it received 1,667. That’s a drop of 99.7 per cent.
That’s less than Ukip, less than the Greens, less than the Lib Dems, less even than Respect (9,989); in fact, it’s less than a lot of other parties. Like…
– The protest party Cannabis Is Safer Than Alcohol (8,419)
– The regionalist party Yorkshire First (6,811)
– The nationalist party English Democrats (6,531)
– Arthur Scargill’s Socialist Labour Party (3,481)
– The Christian democratic party Christian Peoples Alliance (3,260)
– The Christian Peoples Alliance splinter faction Christian Party (3,205)
They beat Class War (526) though, so, there’s that to hold onto. If you’re a fascist.