1. Is Heathrow in the Wrong Place? (SERC)
Paul Cheshire, of LSE’s Spatial Economics Research Centre, assesses Justine Greening’s claim that “if you were starting from scratch”, Heathrow is in the wrong place.
2. The Social Cost of Motoring (Lovelo Bicycles)
A look at what the true cost of motoring may be if all the externalities were taken into account.
3. Encouraging news on jobs, but far too early to call a labour market recovery (Left Foot Forward)
Richard Exell analyses yesterday’s KPMG report on jobs, and asks how far we can trust the information contained within.
4. All the signs are there for another credit crunch (Debtonation)
Britain’s crisis is one of a vast bubble of private sector debt, writes Debtonation. These private debts eclipse – by a huge margin – our public sector debt as a share of the national cake. They help explain why the economy struggles to recover from the shocks of 2007-9, and why the banks still pose a grave systemic threat.
5. Finally, Spain (New York Times)
Paul Krugman argues that Spain, not Greece, is the quintessential euro crisis country.