The new dotcom crash: collapsing ad markets threaten disaster for Big Tech
Tim Hwang, author of Subprime Attention Crisis, sees parallels between the 2008 housing crisis and today’s economy.
ByNew Times,
New Thinking.
Tim Hwang, author of Subprime Attention Crisis, sees parallels between the 2008 housing crisis and today’s economy.
ByThe platform’s fact checkers found no inaccuracies in a recent BMJ investigation – but limited its reach anyway. Should they…
ByThe libertarian utopia that Jack Dorsey thought he had created is gone forever.
ByAs algorithms take over our lives, the issue of Big Tech censorship can no longer be dismissed as a fringe…
ByThe “metaverse” epitomises Big Tech’s focus on masturbatory ego projects rather than social goods.
ByThe government is proposing to remove EU-era regulatory protections that enable people to challenge the decisions algorithms make about them.
ByDespite shocking headlines, nothing seems to turn the public against social platforms. Is this bad news overload or successful PR…
ByThe Facebook whistleblower wants Congress to take action. But her solutions would make Facebook even stronger.
ByThe viral story “Who Is The Bad Art Friend?” shows we don’t own the versions of ourselves we project online.
ByThe outage demonstrates the danger of concentrating the power of the internet in just a few hands.
ByWhen Big Tech found it could work from home, an economy of lower-paid workers lost out.
ByThe introduction of Facebook places means that Faceook is now in direct competition with services li