This week, Helen and Stephen tackle Traingate and Lunaticgate. George Eaton comes down-the-line from the valleys with the latest on the Owen Smith campaign. Anna Leszkiewicz joins to discuss feminism in the new Ghostbusters film. And you-ask-us: what is the role of the John McDonell in the Corbyn ménage? (Helen Lewis, Stephen Bush, George Eaton, Anna Leszkiewicz)
Traingate (01.24)
Stephen on Jennifer’s Ear
Lunaticgate (05.20)
David Wearing on Smith’s slurs and empty promises.
Owen Smith (11.36)
George’s interview for this week’s magazine
Ghosbusters (18.44)
Ryan Gilbey reviews the film
Listen to the SRSLY take
Anna on the dark side of the Romcom
John McDonnell (31.17)
Read him in his own words
And watch him in action
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And if you’re craving yet more NS podcastery, you can watch Helen and Stephen host a live recording at this summer’s London Podcast Festival. Tickets available here.
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