Oh dear. It looks like the Mail’s transformation from an irate backbench Brexiteer to an obsequious junior government minister is complete.
Today, it runs a frontpage headline actually begging MPs to vote for the Chequers plan. It’s basically like the inside of Theresa May’s brain writ large in printers ink.
“SO NOW WILL MPs LISTEN?” it asks desperately entreats, showing the Mail’s target readership also seems to have reduced to 650 with its change of editorship.
Wednesday’s Daily MAIL: “So NOW Will MPs Listen?” #bbcpapers #tomorrowspaperstoday pic.twitter.com/fa0dohNYGX
— Allie Hodgkins-Brown (@AllieHBNews) November 27, 2018
Its justification for urging politicians to vote the deal through? Some very shonky polling after asking a handful of people leading questions of course!
Apparently, a whopping 41 per cent of people (versus a meagre 38 per cent) think MPs should back May’s Brexit deal. But if you’re not sold on that, a staggering 52 per cent (remind you of anything?) of people think the deal’s the best we’re going to get – when asked the most British survey question of all time: “It’s not ideal – but is it best on offer?” And then 47 per cent think staying in the EU would be that most neutral of descriptions, “humiliating”.
Your Mole has never been a fan of the Mail but it did at least used to reflect the views of a rather large body of people. Now it represents… about five people.