1. IMF and China are new BFFs (Finanical Times | alphaville)
“There seems to be something of a love-in going on between China and the IMF, though admittedly you have to wade through a weighty report to glimpse it,” writes Masa Serdarevic.
2. Competition Is Healthy for Governments, Too (New York Times)
N. Gregory Mankiw argues that states compete, and are right to compete, to lower tax rates because of citizens moving.
3. America will not go the way of Europe (Washington Post | Wonkblog)
Ezra Klein explains why the Eurocrisis is sui generis, and thus why America will not follow that path.
4. Chris Grayling calls me a job snob for questioning those who pay so little (Guardian)
Polly Toynbee attacks Grayling, arguing that by cutting tax credits, he is harming the poorest in society.
5. The maths behind the madness (Economist | Graphic Detail)
The Economist present their “interactive guide to reducing government debt.”